Why membership?

We encourage all who regularly worship with us at Christ Church Anglican to become members. Why become a member? Membership shows that you are committed to and in agreement with Christ Church Anglican’s ministry and parish life.

Members also have an important responsibility in the governance of the parish. Membership is a requirement for voting in the vestry elections at the parish’s annual meeting. (This meeting is held on the Tuesday after the First Sunday in Advent, which is around the beginning of December.) Members are eligible to answer a call to serve and lead in the parish in various capacities. And members can represent Christ Church Anglican in diocesan and provincial synods and councils.

We look forward to answering any questions you have about Christ Church Anglican, and to welcoming you into our church family!

Membership requirements

There are three requirements for membership at Christ Church Anglican:

Baptism. Baptism is defined as being with water and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Completing the membership class. The class is an introduction to Christian faith and the Anglican tradition, and to the ministry and life of this parish.

Confirmation (or being ready and desirous to be confirmed). In the Anglican tradition, confirmation is a rite that is administered by the bishop. Confirmation connects each individual member through the bishop to the broader church, and it is meant to ensure proper catechesis and commitment for all those who partake of Communion. You can read the Order of Confirmation in the Book of Common Prayer (pages 308-311).

Children are welcomed as members of Christ Church Anglican if they have been baptized and at least one parent is a member. At the discretion of the rector, children may be confirmed after they have been taught and understand the catechism in the Book of Common Prayer (pages 300-307).

Membership expectations

In 1954, the archbishops of Canterbury and York published “A Short Guide to the Duties of Church Membership.” It’s a good summary of the expectations for members here at Christ Church Anglican:

All baptized and confirmed members of the Church must play their full part in its life and witness. That you may fulfil this duty we call upon you:

to follow the example of Christ in home and daily life, and to bear personal witness to Him.

to be regular in private prayer day by day.

to read the Bible carefully.

to come to Church every Sunday.

to receive the Holy Communion faithfully and regularly.

to give personal service to Church, neighbours, and community.

to give money for the work of the parish and diocese and for the work of the Church at home and overseas.

to uphold the standard of marriage entrusted by Christ to his Church.

to care that children are brought up to love and serve the Lord.